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Process of the Kaapuia review 

There are five main phases that guide the review process:  

Waahanga One

Project initiation and desktop review: Stand up the project and understand the current structure.   

Waahanga Two

Waananga and engagement: Listen to and understand the drivers and opportunities behind Kaapuia.   

Waahanga Three

Recommendations on changes to the structure and rules: Summarise insights and co-develop structural options and rule recommendations.   

Waahanga Four

Consultation and engagement: Engage with Marae, Whaanau and Hapuu, and consult with Kaimahi. 


Waahanga Five

Implementation plan: Develop an implementation to be ratified by Te Whakakitenga o Waikato. 

Objectives of the Kaapuia review  

There are three underlying principles guiding the review approach: 


Be people-focused: Nurturing our people by ensuring that our organisation is focused on and geared up to create meaningful change for our marae, whaanau and hapuu now and in the future.   


Be future-focused: Ensuring our organisational structure can pivot, turn and divert when necessary. A durable structure means that the iwi can be more responsive to the changing and dynamic needs of marae, whaanau and hapuu. 


Be legacy-building: Grounded in our history, support our ability to collectivise and organise ourselves well for the betterment of the iwi, in a way that will be perpetuated for generations to come.   

Timeline of the Waikato Tainui change journey

Our iwi has a history of change. Structural reviews, name changes, and reviewing our rules have been part of our journey.  

1999 - 2000: 

Inception of Te Kauhanganui o Waikato


Name change of Tekaumaarua to Te Arataura


Name change of Te Kauhanganui to Te Whakakitenga o Waikato  


Governance Review – changes to Rule 5 and the reduction in the number of representatives. The proposal for asset management by Te Arataura and a reduction of Te Arataura members was not progressed. 

May 2022:

Marae representatives overwhelmingly supported the decision by Te Whakakitenga o Waikato to reflect and review what we are doing as a tribal entity.  

October 2022 - February 2023:

The Kaapuia Komiti held an initial series of waananga with TWOW marae members, key groups  a core group of tribal members and operational  leadership to gather thoughts and perspectives on our current structure.

February 2023 – August 2023:

The Kaapuia Komiti thoroughly reviewed and analysed the feedback received from engagements to ensure it is reflected in the  proposed options and recommendations.   

07 October 2023:

Te Whakakitenga o Waikato agree to release for consultation and engagement, Ngaa Taunaki o Kaapuia Review, the proposed options and recommendations of the Kaapuia Komiti. 


Six-week consultation period with marae, whaanau, hapuu and kaimahi begins. 

November 2023 - December 2024:

Engage with Marae, Whaanau and Hapuu, consult with Kaimahi.

Updates on the review process, timeline, engagements and any significant developments will be communicated as the review progresses.  

Engagement to date  

The engagement process was tailored to ensure that key iwi voices, Te Whakakitenga o Waikato representatives and leadership within the organisation were able to input and provide insights and guidance. 


The initial engagement process was deliberately limited in scope and did not include a full scan of tribal members or marae representatives (because of time, resourcing, and institutional working knowledge of the organisation and its structure).  It was, however, representative of the broader tribal base. 


We consistently heard in waananga and through interviews that there is a strong desire for transformative change. Furthermore, any change must better support and create pathways to uphold the mana motuhake of our marae, whaanau and hapuu. 


For detailed information on the learnings and insights from these initial engagements, visit the Insights page for waahanga one and two.  Insights from subsequent engagement activity will be updated shortly.

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